Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Bran Castle

At the end of the Rucar Bran pass, looming from nowhere as a haunted castle, arises the well deserved prize for such a long and adventurous road, the Bran castle. People consider it the former residence of Vlad Tepes who actually was arrested here and murdered by Matey Corvin for political reasons. His real fortres was at Targoviste but for touristic reasons and also for its position and dramatic architecture specific to Roumanians, it was turned into Dracula's Legend and people don't make the difference anymore. The castle and the surroundings although important from historic point of view have developed into a bussines because people's curiosity on myths and mysteries is unsatiable. The resort provides a lot of opportunities to spend time and the fair beside the castle gives you the chance not to leave empty handed because there are a lot of souvenirs to remind you about your journey into the past. Everything in the resort has developed around this theme, Dracula's habitat and the picturesque landscape completes and at the same time makes up for the terror the stories about Tepes' habits imply. The local people do not belive in them because Vlad Tepes was considered a right ruler very determined to put an end to injustice and maybe that's way it was belived to be too harsh. Roumanians honour his memory even if the stories embraced a devilish character. This castle really deserve to be visited.

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