Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Conegliano - Amici miei

Conegliano is a town in Comune of Veneto, Italy, in the province of Treviso, c. 30 km north by rail from the town of Treviso. Population is c. 35,000. It was the birthplace of the painter Cima da Conegliano, a fine altar-piece by whom is in the cathedral (1492). It is overlooked by a hill on which stands the remains of a 1,000-year old castle, formerly belonging to the Bishop of Vittorio Veneto. The remaining tower now houses the small Conegliano museum.

Conegliano is noted for its wine, chiefly the dry white Prosecco (made from the grape of the same name) which comes in three varieties – tranquillo (still), frizzante (slightly sparkling) and spumante (sparkling). It is also home to Italy's oldest and most prestigious wine school. Every year, in summer there's a special chess game where the figures are normal people. That game celebrates the victory of Conegliano over Treviso.

Alessandro Del Piero, star football player for Juventus and Italy, was born in Conegliano hospital.

The video you may see is in a pet shop from Conegliano called "Amici miei". This in English means "My Friends".

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