There is an expression in English"You can't see the wood from the tree"- that means you see
things rather shallow without taking time to consider them thoroughly. Don't follow the crowd just be yourself. Sometimes you are mislead and things that appear glamorou in other's eyes do not shine in yours. Take for example the tourism. We've abridged and simplified other's opinions about overseas tourism that much we no longer see the beauties in our country. Yes, it's true, better conditions, civilization, other habits, customs and traditions; but we also have so many parts of the country we have never dared to dream about. The innate hospitability and respect for ancient traditions have deep roots in our soul. Have you been to Mamaia lately? Besides the traditional places loaded of history we've also imported Greek traditions, Chinese food, international repertoire, multicultural entertainers, fancy hotels, expensive restaurants. Mamaia is devided into two parts;on the one hand we have the holiday villge which displays the Roumanian way of life and on the other hand Occidental influences. More than that,you can explore the resort from the hight of the sky in a "telegondola".
You can be dwellt upon at european standards in Aqua Land without being disturbed,in a very amusing river adventure,escapades in the water land. You can venture the watery black surface of the sea by boat or by hidrobicicle. There are places for people of all ages,condition or status.
There are full time children care services if you want to enjoy a peaceful day, or places where you can have fun with all your family where the water is not to deep and there is no danger to lose sight of your children. The shore is wide enough to offer a range of opportunities to spend time with other people or in the intimicy of a deserted beach. You have to be a little bit conceited to pretend you have nothing to see in our country just to brag you were abroad.
Let's face it,our natural environment is challenging enough; why do you think foreigners invest in our country? Tourism has become an open market. Don't waste it!

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