Have you wonder how it's like to live in a place where the shadows give you another perspective on the site, where you are overwelmed with the changes that the scenery undergoes second by second ? Maybe if you keep your breath, in a glimse of an eye you might hear the nature trembling with life, whispering its transformation into something that cannot be grasped. The huge greatness of the mountains bearing their royal crown over the mortals makes you think about your ephemeral condition. Have you experienced this feeling ?
If not, try spending some time in a place like Sinaia, situated along Prahove river valley into Bucegi massive. Technology has always been in competition with the natural woders of the world tryng to give them a scientific explination and the perfect incentive for our evolution is to try to equalize them although the environment is far beyond us. Climb up to 1400metres high by cable cars or by chair lifts. You run out of words floating somewhere above Sinaia, above its old monastery, above Peles Castle, above Casino Palace. Don't they seem little compare to the peeks brushing the clouds? And if you're there and its winter time you can go skiing and on your return don't miss the hot tea with a bit of rom, nothing warms you better. The sightseeing you can visit down the resort are the beginning of an unbeliveble adventure if you dare to follow the path of the mountains. You can find a cottage or a cosy hotel on European standards at any altitude . If you aren't a mountaineer, you will experience climbing by cable cars but make sure the wind doesn't blow strongly because they aren't working. Sometimes nature afford to be whimsical.

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