This means Danish State Railways and is usually known as DSB.

If you are in Denmark and you want to travel, this is a very important option you may have. Using trains is very popular in this country. DSB also operates some trains in Sweeden. There are 9000 people working for this company.

The most important thing is using their website you can buy affordable tickets and travel in whole Denmark. There is a system with many options for making reservations, but the cheapest tickets are "DSB Orange". The only condition to have such tickets is to check the promotions. For a 350 Km trip, an DSB Orange costs 139 DKK which means cca. 18,5 Euro. Have fun!
If you are in Denmark and you want to travel, this is a very important option you may have. Using trains is very popular in this country. DSB also operates some trains in Sweeden. There are 9000 people working for this company.
The most important thing is using their website you can buy affordable tickets and travel in whole Denmark. There is a system with many options for making reservations, but the cheapest tickets are "DSB Orange". The only condition to have such tickets is to check the promotions. For a 350 Km trip, an DSB Orange costs 139 DKK which means cca. 18,5 Euro. Have fun!