This is a well known English show directed by Vivienne McKnee but played in Denmark. They have made a play every year since 1982 choosing a popular theme. It is really fun and the costumes are amazing. The theater company is called London Toast.
The actors are David Bateson, Andrew Jeffers, Bennet Thorpe, Katrine Falkenberg, Elliot Russo, Vivienne McKnee, Rene Andersen, Kirsten Brink, Peter Friis, Barry McKenna, Peter Dijring, Søren Bruunsgaard Petersen, Tom Høklund Olsen, Stuart Goodstein
The main character of this play is Dr. Bent van Helsingør. He was born in Elsinore and graduted Hamlet University. He went vampire hunting in Transylvania. After a near-death experience in 1986, fighting count Dracula, Bent started his fabulous acting career with London Toast Theater. He appeared in no less than 21 Crazy Christmas Cabarets. TV appearances include Hopla, Aha, Hooray&Boo and TV avisen. He established "Hyggeligans United" and his own touring band "Gammel Dansk" (best known for his rap hit "Hello I must be going!"). This year he is happy to be "consiliere" to the Godfather and warns you to be aware of bankers.